Climber, Adventurer, Engineer • passionate, curious, driven
When I look at a big wall, a mountain, or a trail and think too hard about it, It's often hard to fathom reaching the end on my own two feet. then somehow hours or even days later, there i am standing at the top (dreading the descent).
this thing has been happening to me when I come down from a true monster of a climb, like the matterhorn or el cap (gulley): i look back at it, and it looks two times bigger to me than it did before. as if i'm only now seeing this massive geological masterpiece for what it is. like I can't really understand this thing that exists in the same magnitude of space and time as Earth itself, until i've seen it from every inch of elevation in between. it's something glorious.
here's to the big unknown and spending lots of time staring at walls
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